6 jobs to work in a spa

work in a spa

Increasingly attentive to their appearance and well-being, many women and men are attracted to beauty and relaxation treatments.

Immediate consequence: we are witnessing a growth in spas of all kinds (urban, integrated into a hotel structure, luxury spas generally linked to a cosmetics brand and in vacation clubs) and with them the professionals working there.

Did you know that there are a multitude of jobs you can do in these establishments?

Now, discover our list of professions present in spas and the training courses to follow to obtain the necessary qualifications.

Spa practitioner

The day of a spa practitioner is rich and varied; which leaves no room for monotony. Welcoming and advising customers, preparing cabins and treatments to be carried out, carrying out treatments (massage, scrub, balneotherapy, affusion shower, sauna or hammam session, etc.) and selling the establishment’s products are part of its missions.

Good presentation, rigor, precision, delicacy, listening, sense of contact…

We offer you spa practitioner training in order to obtain all the knowledge on the different treatment and massage services, the different cosmetic products, aromatherapy, etc.

Discover the spa practitioner job description

Responsible for the spa, this professional supervises and manages the team of spa practitioners. Management of their planning, ordering products, analyzing results, implementing communication and loyalty actions… and even practicing treatments and massages in small spas or in cases of high attendance. Its main objective must remain the profitability of the spa.

Sense of contact, versatility, stress management, managerial skills, availability, listening…

When starting out, the spa manager receives around €2,000 gross per month. However, his salary may vary depending on the size of his team.

As this profession requires versatile skills to manage your spa like a true business manager, we have developed a program including courses on management, marketing, management and hygiene and safety rules…

Spa hostess

This profession exists mainly in large structures such as hotel spas or franchises. It consists of welcoming customers (including on the telephone), informing them and advising them on the spa’s services and products, but also planning appointments.

When the spa also has a point of sale, the receptionist will also take care of setting up the products, cashing and stocking.

Excellent knowledge of the services offered, good interpersonal skills, courtesy, responsiveness, good physical presentation…

To access this profession, we recommend that you follow our spa practitioner training .


Also called a hydrothermal agent, a hydrotherapist performs different treatments (jets, baths, showers, inhalations, wraps, etc.) with fresh or thermal, gaseous or liquid water. Its objective is to bring well-being, relaxation, and relief of certain pains or pathologies of its clients.

Listening, understanding, good physical condition, knowledge of rheumatology, anatomy and phlebology…

To work in a spa as a hydrotherapist, you can follow our spa practitioner training where a module is dedicated to different types of treatments with water.

Discover the hydrotherapist job description

This professional guides his clients towards the most appropriate massage according to their needs. Then, he performs different movements and pressures on his/her client’s body using a perfumed oil for example. The massage can also be localized to a specific part of the body: face, back, feet, hands, etc.

Listening, empathy, kindness, discretion, adaptation, precision, gentleness, sensitivity…

Generally, his remuneration is between €1,200 and €1,500 gross per month for a beginner.

To acquire the main massage techniques necessary to work in a spa, we recommend that you follow our distance training which covers Californian, Ayurvedic, Amma and Shiatsu massages…

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