Risks and effects of a very low calorie diet

low calorie diet

Are you wondering which diet is the most effective? Are you afraid of wasting your time and regaining the weight that took you so long to lose?

We can already answer your question directly about weight gain after a diet.

You’d better ask yourself, because it’s proven: 80% of people who have lost weight regain the hard-lost weight.

For what ?

It’s simple: our body sets up natural mechanisms which consist of recovering the things of which it has been deprived. This is called the yo-yo effect and you will agree with us: it is not ideal for your health.

Very low calorie diet: low calorie diet/calorie restriction

A very low-calorie diet, often referred to as a hypocalorie diet or calorie restriction, consists of low calorie consumption.

The goal is to limit energy intake through diet to improve health and delay aging.

To reduce calories, many diets recommend replacing certain foods with others, for example fruits and vegetables instead of processed products.

How many calories can you eat each day on a low-calorie diet?

During a low-calorie diet, products like energy bars or soups often replace regular foods. Before embarking on such a diet, do not hesitate to consult your general practitioner or a nutritionist.

We will also be there to help you, with the entire Alphabody community at your side.

For extreme hypocalorie diets, that is to say less than 800 calories per day, cases of gallstones have been reported.

In any case, you need to keep in mind that a diet can only work if you combine it with a healthy lifestyle.

This is the best way to optimize your chances of benefiting from the benefits of a low-calorie diet and avoiding health problems.

What are the effects of a low-calorie diet on your body?

Studies carried out on the low-calorie diet all show a positive impact on quality of life. Most people who do this diet have noted that they are in a better mood, more relaxed and that their sleep has improved.

 What is certain is that losing weight will greatly change your life. You will reduce the risks of having diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and even the occurrence of cancer. Overall, following a low-calorie diet is beneficial for your health. But, we are also here to explain to you the risks to which you are exposed and how to limit them, in complete transparency.

To reduce the number of calories, you can eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will allow you to feel full quickly and avoid the urge to snack.

What are the risks of a low-calorie diet?

digestion: calories are used by your body to metabolize food;

physical activity: to give you the energy you need to get through the day, your body needs a certain number of calories.

In fact, it’s simple: a very low-calorie diet means providing less than what your body needs to function, without you taking any risks for your health.

The key is to do it without falling into an extreme diet, which could cause you to lose muscle mass, tire you out too much or cause bone weakness.

How to lose weight on a low-calorie diet without putting your health at risk?

The number of calories you need daily depends on many factors: your gender, your age, your current weight, your height, the physical activity you do and your overall health.

Based on all these elements, we will together determine the caloric intake you need each day.

How to implement a low-calorie diet?

We reassure you: our goal is not to make you die of hunger! A few simple changes to your lifestyle and eating habits will be enough.

This includes staying well hydrated, doing regular physical activity, increasing your protein intake and reducing your carbohydrate intake.

How many pounds to lose per week?

Generally, it is estimated that a weight loss of between 450 grams and one kilo per week is a good ratio and has no adverse effects on health. Depending on your profile, we will adjust everything. We won’t make you lose more weight than necessary and everything will go well. We will do this gradually, so that you feel good and are always in good health.

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